Infinite Possibilities

SecondCity will provide any imaginable system.

SecondCity is different from games that simply advocate Metaverse with only NFT investment elements. The development environment of the SecondCity, NFT, the structure of the building, and the commercial system all come together in SecondCity to create a metaverse of infinite possibilities.

It is a Metaverse different from existing games, in that it provides a unique autonomy that allows for various types of investment, advertising, commerce, content, and services. For example, cyber universities may provide university education content within SecondCity, and all Internet serviceslegal, academic, or Internet broadcasting- will be provided in SecondCity. All of this is based on the open-world concept, which is made possible through mini-world structured buildings, commercial systems, and Unity. Various realistic factors and feasible technologies come together to create SecondCity.

Just like how you are the protagonist of your life, you will also be able to become the protagonist in SecondCity.

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